Beware of Sick Sinus Syndrome Symptoms

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Sick Sinus Syndrome is an unusual case of a very varied from the normal pacemaker function. This syndrome is known to be one cause of heart rate slows down permanently (sinus bradycardia) or the occurrence of a full blockade of pacemaker and atrial (sinus arrest in which the impulses from the pacemaker failure occurred when creating the atrial contraction).

When cases like this happens, the release of pacemaker that is low in the atrium or even inside the ventricles will usually be changed.

Symptoms usually occur

Some kind of sick sinus syndrome is common does not cause significant symptoms, but heart rate that starts low and settled causing weakness and fatigue. Even the case of a person fainting may occur if the speed becomes very slow. While heart rate is often perceived as very high patient as palpitations.

Further Diaknosa

Tib pulse suddenly slowed down, especially the irregular pulse or pulse is varied without changing the activity of the patient can lead a doctor to diagnose sick sinus syndrome. Characteristics Elktrokardiogram (ECG) is one case in particular abnormal abnormal cases that occurred more than 24 hours and consider a collection of symptoms usually help the doctor make a diagnosis.

The recommended treatment

Patients who have symptoms are usually given fake permanent pacemaker. The function of the pacemaker is used to accelerate the heart rate began to slow. In most patients who sometimes have a faster rhythm, medication assistance is also needed, so the best and highly recommended therapy is the implantation of a pacemaker along with the administration of drugs such as beta blockers slow down the rhythm or verapamil.

Demo Blog NJW V2 Updated at: 16:40


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