5 Heart Attack Signs will Appear

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Heart attack or commonly called coronary heart disease was not only attacked the group of old people but also people who are still very young. A heart attack is not coming suddenly, because before the attack took place there will usually be the beginning signs that conveyed by the body.

Usually, however, these signs are often ignored by most people. Even according to the results of research conducted at Midas Milan, Italy in 2006, found that nearly 52 percent of all patients with coronary heart disease was not experiencing chest pain of significant or commonly referred to as silent ischemia.

As reported by the MayoClinic, Saturday (02/05/2011) coronary heart disease is one disease that is quite feared by kebanyakn person and the disease is usually caused by the constriction or blockage of major blood vessels or coronary arteries. Coronary arteries is one of the veins that drain blood and duty also serves to bring nutrients and oxygen needed by the heart muscles to always be pumping blood throughout the body.

As we know that the human heart pumps blood to the charge of the entire body continuously during the relentless human still alive, which is about 4-5 liters of blood every minute. That is why if blood flow is impaired although minor annoyance, it can cause blood perederan not smooth and the subsequent effect is the occurrence of heart muscle damage that can cause interference with cardiac pump or commonly known as heart failure.
The most common of the incidence of heart attacks among others, is serving a sport that too forced or exaggerated, angry attitude that the effect is spending a lot of emotion or other activity done to excess.

According to research cited from various sources, there are at least 5 signs of a heart attack should be aware of:

- Feeling depressed that occur suddenly (overwritten seemed a heavy burden, pain, such as pinched and on fire) that causes shortness of breath and choking occur in the neck.

- The pain that this will be spread to the left arm, then at the neck and then to the back.

- The pain that occurs due to pressure effects can last about 15-20 minutes and can occur continuously.

- The next effect is often tiimbul cold perspiration, the body feels weak, heart palpitations and even fainting.

- The pain is the effect will be reduced if a person is at rest, but instead, will be able to gain weight if you're doing the activity.

There are several ways or quick tips that can be done to prevent the occurrence of heart attacks, such as keeping cholesterol levels in the body, so always keep your blood pressure well controlled, quit smoking, avoid eating fatty foods, get used to always consume vegetables and fruit a fresh, exercise regularly but not excessive, reduce or control weight and reduce stress.

Demo Blog NJW V2 Updated at: 02:56


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